![Aria guides: [insert Christmas carol here]](https://res.cloudinary.com/schmopera/image/upload/w_740,h_740,c_fill,g_faces/v1545409169/media/webhook-uploads/1482506749398/2016-12-23---Caroling.jpg.jpg 1x, https://res.cloudinary.com/schmopera/image/upload/w_1480,h_1480,c_fill,g_faces/v1545409169/media/webhook-uploads/1482506749398/2016-12-23---Caroling.jpg.jpg 2x)
Aria guides: [insert Christmas carol here]
HumourWhether your voice sounds like angels on high, or like cats in heat, all a Christmas carol really needs is joy. Breathe deeply, breathe often, and don’t be afraid of those high notes. Keep a festive beverage within arm’s reach to fend off any shyness that may creep in, and affect your joyous tone.
Sing your heart out.
Repeat until New Year’s Day, and then please stop entirely.