Artists management pages: a PSA for singers
EditorialHello, singers!
A lot of you have achieved that big checkpoint in the operatic career, and that’s getting yourself an agent to represent you. Congrats!
Since we spend a lot of time on artist management websites, we wanted to take the time to make a quick public service announcement: singers, go and have a careful read-through of your page on your management site.
Why? Because even agencies are run by fallible humans, and it’s easy to make mistakes. Is your biography up-to-date? Are there spelling mistakes or missing accents in names and opera titles? Are there grammatical errors, typos, or formatting issues?
Check to see if there are photos on your management page. Are your headshots high-resolution? Can they be downloaded from your manager’s website? Is the photographer credited properly?
Are there audio and video clips available? Do you like these clips? Would you rather they be replaced with newer/better/higher quality ones?
If you have a website and/or social media channels, does your management page provide links?
Singers, you’re paying these people to work for you. The catch, as the CEO of your own business, is that oversights and errors end up affecting you more than your agent.
So, take 10 minutes today to see if your management page really is a one-stop place for your current biography, your website and social media feeds, and great downloadable photos. You know, all that stuff that you worked hard at and for which you paid dearly. Even if it’s all available on your website, why shouldn’t that material also be available on the site of the folks taking a portion of your singing fee?
Your management will likely be thrilled that you’ve taken the intiative to spot things like this, since it saves them time and face. And of course, if they give you grief about making any of these reasonable website changes, you’ve learned some valuable information about the folks whose job it is to help your career.