Be in on the secret: Confidential Opera Project
NewsGuys, I’m having a baby.
Okay, it’s an artistic project that I launched as part of the #ConfidentialProject movement that’s been sweeping North America.
The genius of Marion Abbott started the Confidential Musical Theatre Project here in Toronto in 2014, and since then the program has blossomed across Canada and the US. It takes place now in fifteen cities, and the audiences are being delighted over and over again. Marion is well-known in the musical theatre community for being a champion for all artists at any stage of their career, and she’s currently involved with a plethora of projects which make sure Canadian talent gets featured the way it deserves. We all have a friend in Marion. (Maybe you should follow her on Twitter).
After submitting to participate in one in Toronto, I contacted Marion and asked if she’d considered applying this concept to the world of opera. After a few really exciting phone calls, dinners and online discussions, Confidential Opera Project was born.
The premise is this: A show is cast. There are no auditions, it’s done through artist submissions online, and there are no rehearsals either. The cast shows up on the day of the performance, meets for the first time, gets to have a few questions answered and then: BOOM! The audience shows up and they perform the show with scores in hand. Staging and characterizations are improvised. I can honestly say it’s one of the most exciting/terrifying/fulfilling things I’ve ever participated in.
My goal with applying it to opera is to help de-mystify the whole thing. I want the audience to experience the magic that you’re only privy to on the first sing-through of a score - I know my fellow singers will agree that the first sing-through is probably one of the most fun rehearsals for a show. There will be mis-steps, but there are also moments of supreme beauty and magic that come from the adrenaline that pumps through these talented artists’ veins. I hope we can bring some new people to the opera world via this format as it goes against the stereotypes of what most average Canadians believe apply to opera as a whole.
There’s no need for opera glasses, gowns or tuxes. Just come and be comfortable and be wowed!
We were very fortunate to find a wonderful partner in Tapestry Opera. They’ll be hosting us in their divine Ernest Balmer Studio (9 Trinity Street, Studio #316) in the historical Distillery District here in Toronto. Our debut is Sunday, June 26th at 2PM. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased right here.
Over at Confidential Opera Project we believe that opera can be fun and spontaneous, and still beautiful - and we’re ready to prove it! I promise you our first show IS one of your favourites, and we have some superb talent lined up to transport you away.
Tell your friends, tell your family, tell your pets. Confidential Opera Project is here to blow you away!
PS: while you’re at it why not check out the other #ConfidentialProject initiatives: Confidential Musical Theatre Project, Confidential Musical Theatre Project Junior, and Confidential Shakespeare Project.
PPS: We still need singers of all types. Please submit at this link - we’ll keep your name on file as we’ll be casting multiple shows at once. And don’t be disheartened if you’re not asked to participate in our debut, there’ll be plenty of chances for us to show you off! We welcome submissions from singers at all stages of their careers, from seasoned pros to fresh faced young and emerging artists.