A collaborative artist: Kristin Hoff and the Mécénat Musica Prix Goyer

Narcoleptic supernumerary in demand as dead body of Buoso Donati
HumourA narcoleptic supernumerary has earned great praise for his portrayal of the dead body of Buoso Donati in Puccini's "Gianni Schicchi", now in-demand as Buoso-du-jour.

Conductor's score appears to have been opened prior to first rehearsal
HumourBreaking news: spine on conductor’s score shows signs of having been opened before the first rehearsal, says source sitting nearby. Currently unclear if the score has been borrowed from a friend.

Stage management shocked as everyone brings own pencil to rehearsal
HumourBreaking: everyone brings their own pencil to rehearsal, leaving stage management stunned.

Broken harpsichord replaced mid-show by crappy piano & sheet of paper
HumourAfter mid-performance harpsichord malfunction, stage management saves the day with crappy piano and large piece of scrap paper.

Trump to host WH screening of "What's Opera, Doc?"
HumourDonald Trump plans to host screening of “What’s Opera, Doc?” for White House staffers, following success of "Finding Nemo".

2 violists injured after Cunegonde's aria ends in chaos
HumourCunegonde’s aria ends in chaos after soprano accidentally launches broken string of pearls into orchestra pit, 2 violists report painful welts.

Music historians find lost Mozart opera, all agree that it is crap
HumourBreaking: Music historians discover lost Mozart opera, opera circles collectively agree that it is crap.

An open letter to a rude bunch of operagoers
HumourMaybe you were dragged to the opera against your will. Maybe you were guilted into seeing the show, because you knew someone in it. Maybe you were hangry, or maybe your ass fell asleep. Or maybe Occam's Razor applies to you and your disruptive crew, and you're rude, phone-addicted people who can't read the room.

Diegetic music in opera: 3 ways to use it
HumourOne of the most moving examples of this diegetic music technique is in that shattering finale of Poulenc's Dialogues des Carmélites. The nuns sing the "Salve regina" as they are led hopelessly to the guillotine; one by one, the voices peter out, and Poulenc even adds the horrific sound of a guillotine, as though he wants to make you wince and weep.

4 great love duets & why they're awkward
HumourYet Cio-Cio San is singing about life-long marriage and the happiness and stability it would bring her; Pinkerton is really singing about experiencing the world, marvelling at the obedience and admiration in the eyes of his young Japanese wife and getting excited to have some exotic sex with her. And never forget that line about Cio-Cio San being fifteen years old...yikes.