A collaborative artist: Kristin Hoff and the Mécénat Musica Prix Goyer

Things I want to see: La Zombiata
Humour"Our story begins in a Parisian penthouse infested by an undead hoard lead by Xenobia, huntress of humans. As the minions mingle at a bloody soiree, romantically inclined Christolpho meets the ravenous-yet-rapturous Philonia. Suddenly, all-too-human emotions come into play, leading to chaos, comedy, and a splash-zone worthy chainsaw massacre."

Shower thoughts: Billy Budd in space
HumourIs it just me, or would *Billy Budd* not amazing as sci-fi concept production, set on a spaceship? Picture it: a crew of colourful, possibly alien characters fill *The Indomitable*, coming from all walks of the universe; the imposing, intimidating John Claggart (possibly hooded in some sci-fi villain way), wields his head of security powers with vengeful abandon.

Gems: the GoPro orchestra
HumourIs it just us, or should GoPro footage become a staple of any opera or concert broadcast? Here at Schmopera, we're big fans of strapping a camera onto conductor, singers, really anyone willing to wear one. GoPro planted 24 cameras among the Czech Philharmonic, including on the ends of trombones, the bottoms of cellos, and on the owner of the best seat in the house, the timpanist.

Drown out your hangover with Wagner
HumourHowever you spent your last hours of 2015, it's an unwritten rule that the first day of the new year should be spent on a couch, either recovering from the past or preparing for the future. What better way to get swept up and distracted than with Wagner's Ring Cycle? You can get started with this video playlist of the complete Der Ring des Nibelungen, directed by Patrice Chéreau and conducted by Pierre Boulez at the Bayerische Staatsoper in 1980.

5 times Handel got weird
HumourThere's something about Handel's operas that seems to lend a particularly blank slate to directors. Some of the wackiest takes on opera by the most Regie of the "concept" directors happen in Baroque opera, and Handel's works get their fair share. That's not to say that none of these ideas work well, but they sure can be weird.

Gems: who wins "Wälse"?
HumourToday's find is oddly satisfying. Opera-loving YouTuber rexeterna posted this compilation of ten Heldentenors, each singing the infamous "Wälse! Wälse!" cry from Act I of Wagner's Die Walküre. My vote is Vickers (go Canada), but Lauritz Melchior wins for sheer duration.

Seriously sung Christmas carols
HumourMerry Christmas, readers! This week marks the obligatory Christmas-type post, where our attention goes to snow, pretty lights, overindulgence, and Christmas songs. Love them or hate them, you can always count on opera singers to melt the heart strings with their opera-sized carolling. Happy holidays to all of you, and enjoy the schmaltz.

Have you heard? Opera is dirty business
HumourWhen I was in my first year of my undergrad degree, I lived in a dorm, on a floor full of music students. I remember one day, when a floormate burst into our room, saying she'd just heard "the cutest pick-up line ever for musicians". I prepared myself for a nerdtastic joke, and was rewarded when she quoted, "I'm a fermata, hold me!"

Gems: Pavarotti's embarrassing onstage moments
HumourIn case you needed another reason to love The Pav, this video will seal the deal. In his accent that's about as charming as it gets, he answers audience questions about some of his most embarrassing moments onstage. Sitting in his underwear too long in Paris, and "fragile" chairs in which he sat. ("If I'm going to sit in that chair, I will break it.")

Party animals of opera
HumourIt's the holiday season, readers, and there's more excuses than usual to break out the wine, champagne, egg nog, and really old scotch. (Well, maybe not, since you're all artists.) So, let's pay homage to some of opera's greatest, booziest parties, and their onstage results. We're starting with what should really become the new Brindisi scene at opera galas.