I'm a singer and it's Christmas
Op-edI’m a singer and it’s Christmas. I’ve been practicing Christmas music since September, yet somehow when my favourite Christmas carol comes on the radio I’m still filled with love. I may have banned learning Silent Night in my voice studio, because every. single. kid. asks to sing it, but when I’m playing the piano for fun its still the first one I go to.
I’m a singer and it’s Christmas. It feels like I have a rehearsal or performance every single day. My Facebook feed is full of spam about performances (half of which I’m in) and memories of past statuses congratulating my fellow performers on a job well done. My partner and I are like ships in the night. My Mom guilt is at record levels. So many babysitters, late nights, and not enough sleep for my little guy who still needs Mommy to fall asleep.
I’m a singer and it’s Christmas. I love seeing the sweet faces of my youngest students nervously but proudly singing at their very first recital to an enthusiastic audience. I love seeing my older students take the stage with grace, and reflect on how far they’ve come since they were once a small, scared singer. I love visiting with everyone at the reception afterwards, enjoying the community a voice studio can create.
I’m a singer and it’s Christmas. It may be December 24th and I’m sick of singing these songs, but I’ll squeeze in one last gig at a nursing home or hospital. It’s worth it to see the sick and elderly smile, and share one last bit of Christmas magic with them.
I’m a singer and it’s Christmas. Every year I sing O Holy Night somewhere and every time it moves at least one person to tears. It reminds them of the baby in a manger, Christmases past, and all their hopes for Christmases future. I feel moved when I hear the carols at Christmas Eve Mass. They fill me with love for my Saviour. They are bittersweet memories of Christmases as a child, Christmases with my young family, and that last special Christmas before my Dad died. They give me hope that next year at this same time we will all be here celebrating again, another year older and wiser.
I’m a singer and it’s Christmas and I wouldn’t have it any other way.