Opera, faster: the COC's cheeky new app
NewsIn time for its spring season of Bizet’s Carmen and Rossini’s Maometto II, the Canadian Opera Company has launched a new app on the App Store and Google Play Store.
The free app is a great improvement on the COC’s previous mobile site; you can purchase tickets to the shows, and quickly find photos and video clips about current and past productions. Doing things on one’s phone is a trait of the young, and every bit counts when it comes to getting new and fresh faces to the opera. “In its current form, the app gives us a basic way for users to connect with the COC via their mobile device and elevate the already rich online COC experience,” says Chief Communications Officer Steve Kelley. “Features and objectives for the app will continue to evolve as we anticipate the needs of mobile patrons of the COC.”
The app is somewhat startlingly named “MyCOC”. Now, if you go to the COC’s website, you’ll see a graphic promoting the app, and it looks slightly less unsettling with the “My” next to their palindromic logo.
We at Schmopera are the first to profess our love for Canada’s largest opera company, and the fantastic shows they put up. But this seems like the straw that breaks the camel’s back (or some other body part) when it comes to marketing with a tricky acronym.
We lovingly remember when the Canadian Opera Company earned itself #21 on Buzzfeed’s “29 People Who Are Worse At Thinking Things Through Than You” with their “I ❤ COC” tote bags.
It’s sadly no longer in production, because it was full of smart people talking about great big operatic topics, but there was also The Big COC Podcast. Mercifully, former podcast host (and Schmopera contributor) Gianmarco Segato always introduced it as “The Big Cee-Oh-Cee Podcast”.
And now, MyCOC.
In all seriousness, it’s worth a download if you like to tackle your to-do list on the go.
The Canadian Opera Company opens Carmen on April 12, and Maometto II on April 29. For details and ticket information, visit their website, or simply download MyCOC.