Opinionated opera fans: come write for us!
NewsReaders, we know you’re a savvy bunch. When you go to the opera, you’re full of passion - and probably opinions.
We’ve got a fab team of writers on both sides of the Atlantic, covering the operatic goings-on around the world. Now, we’re excited to announce our plan to expand our coverage of shows, and we want your help.
We’re looking for opera lovers with writing chops! You’ll attend shows, tell us all about them, and have your subsequent reviews published on Schmopera. Specifically (but not exclusively), we’re eager to catch what’s onstage in Calgary, Montréal, Vancouver, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Houston, Philadelphia, and Minneapolis.
If you’re interested in being a part of our team - or you know someone who would be a great fit - drop us a line at [email protected].
We can’t wait to meet you!