Konstantin Krimmel: a commanding presence
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Aria guides: Pace, pace, mio Dio
How-ToLeonora sings this from the cave she's been living in lately, hermiting away from things like botched elopements and family curses. This marathon aria is certainly one to work on closely with your trusted teachers and coaches.

New inventions & app-eras at Tête à Tête's 2021 Opera Festival
ReviewAs ever, I was truly inspired by the creativity of the artists in the line-up this season at Tête à Tête; they never fail in their curation of and encouragement for any and all work that lies outside the realm of the traditional.

Smiles of a Summer Night: Barber brings live opera back to New York
ReviewIndeed Barber, the most thoroughbred of warhorses and the ultimate comic opera, has the potential to delight anew with a sense of tradition that feels like innovation, even in a sprawling park on a smiling summer night.

A busy weekend at Des Moines Metro Opera
ReviewThe pandemic may have put performances on hiatus, but audiences are back and eager to enjoy live theater with all the passion and perseverance of the human experience. Welcome back, opera. We've missed you!

DMMO's Fellow Travelers: no happy ending, but perseverance
ReviewThe heart wrenching scenes we did get were truly compelling, but I found myself getting impatient in the less exciting sections. The brief flashes of forbidden passion just weren’t enough to keep the momentum going, and I just wanted them to skip to the juicy parts!

Opera Atelier’s The Resurrection is resplendent art in the face of adversity
ReviewWhat a pity, then, that Zingg and Pynkoski’s production couldn’t be showcased on a traditional stage, like that of Koerner Hall—where this production was originally set to premiere in April 2020—or the Elgin Theatre, Opera Atelier’s de facto home.

Inaugural Watershed Festival to celebrate opera & musical theatre in Kingston
InterviewThe virtual start to the Watershed Festival is no compromise, no placeholder for the in-person Festival set for spring 2022. "Going virtual has a number of silver linings," says Burry. "We've got people joining us from around the world, and I would imagine the best aspects of that kind of reach will always be a part of the festival moving forward."

Girl in the Snow: a mysterious song cycle
ReviewThough distinctly modern in all respects, Girl In The Snow possesses a timeless patina. Ordway's ambitious and naturalistic poetry, both dreamy, even fancifully at moments, is also marked with underlying tension and foreboding. Such variety seasons the work. His composition, written for solo piano accompanying mezzo-soprano voice, is resonant, often propulsive and grippingly abstract.

Video premiere: "The Mystery of the World" according to Julia Dawson
ReviewDawson is committed to video. "These videos were a way that we could come together as a community and make musical offerings to people in the midst of the pandemic. By embracing the constraints of 2020 and leaning into the medium of video, I've seen the richness of expressive possibility that is available."

OperaUpClose Presents ‘Songs of Solace and Spring’
ReviewHow inspiring to think that even despite our limitations, creativity has a hard time being quelled. If you are craving some relief from the monotony of your day or are in need of a pause to enjoy some music, both concerts are currently streaming and are available to watch until May 13th.