Konstantin Krimmel: a commanding presence
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Candide: projecting the best of all possible worlds
ReviewThere is the vexing notion that Bernstein was his own Dr. Pangloss, coaxing himself out of Westphalia into a musical and theatrical breach. If divine providence finally lights the way, it is energized more by the rigorous tug of theatrical absurdity and naive optimism, than Voltaire's satirical bite.

Sweeney Todd: Demon of Disguise
ReviewAudiences have been flocking to the Barrow Street Theater, which has been converted into a 135-seat pie shop, for over a year. The producers have the delicious cheek to sell meat pies, by reservation only, prior to each performance. They will be serving up those pies well into the summer.

The voice teacher series: Betsy Bishop
Interview"My singers, being older, have a different need for honesty. I don't think it is ethical for me to pronounce judgement on their potential, but I do think I should point out difficulties that might put a career out of reach for them."

"Requiem for a Lost Girl is based on a true story."
Interview"The tragedy of her death and stigma that surrounded it is still with me. This experience is how I found my way into the themes of this piece."

Distractions & indifference: Opera Omaha's Medea
ReviewCherubini's music suggests that Medea is going out in a blaze of remorseless glory, but nothing manifested in the staging to support this. I wanted to either hate Medea or cheer her on, but I was left feeling indifferent and unsatisfied.

Pacific Opera Victoria's steampunk-meets-fantasy Rinaldo
ReviewAs they fall asleep, the magical characters of Rinaldo are transported into their living room to enact the story to the children's delight. It's one part steampunk, one part fantasy movie, one part 50s B-movie, and 100% delightful.

Braid "brilliant" in Tosca role debut
ReviewHer performance was made more exquisite by the fact she sang the whole aria on the floor, often in positions that would make most voice teachers and coaches cringe. And yet, her sound never suffered, maintaining her presence well above the swell of the orchestra, in nothing short of a world-class performance.

Talking with singers: Sara Duchovnay
Interview"In addition to emotional support, I want to be able to provide members of my community with opportunities for financial stability so they can get out of unhealthy situations, whether they be unhealthy relationships, less-than-ideal living situations, or jobs that don’t enhance their careers."

MetroWest Double Bill Provides Thrills & Delights Despite Mismatch
ReviewOf course, sometimes the trickiest part of finding a pair of operas to form a double bill with is finding the links between the two works to be presented: after all, an operatic double-bill is only made stronger with the right pairing of works to perform.

The voice teacher series: Arianna Zukerman
Interview"I won't give anyone false hope - there are those singers who don't have what it takes but it's not for me to tell those people. That's a very hard-won lesson that sometimes only comes from putting yourself "out there" and seeing where you stack up."