Schmopera is three!
EditorialIt’s been three years ago since we started Schmopera from a cozy chalet, on a ski trip near Montréal. At the beginning, there was a distinct feeling of opening a large can of worms inside the small world of opera; now, we’re insanely proud of what Schmopera has become, and we’re humbled by our readers.
We couldn’t have done it without help. We’ve worked with generous, helpful press and media representatives from countries all over the world. Hundreds of artists have taken the time to talk with or write to us about their work, and more still have helped produce the shows we’ve been so lucky to see.
Our content wouldn’t bring us nearly as much pride without our authors, regular or guest. Greg Finney, writer and true insider, started out as our preferred opera/concert date; he’s now a regular contributor, and for the majority of 2016, he has covered the Toronto opera scene in it near-entirety. If you’ve not yet, start reading his stuff.
Chris Enns, tenor and creator of the artist-friendly personal finance blog, Rags to Reasonable, is a much-needed breath of fresh air for working artists and their unique budgets. Nashville-based Tracy Monaghan covers the scene at Nashville Opera and the Nashville Symphony, and mezzo/blogger Kristen Seikaly shares her singer-savvy content from her own blog, Operaversity.We’ve shared opinion pieces by artists, fashion advice for opera singers, and tips on swearing in Québec. Our contributors are awesome, and they’ve helped us get to our third birthday.
Of course, many, many kudos go to co-founder Andrej, the man behind the scenes who builds and designs our site. He’s the one to thank for Schmopera’s slick, fast user experience, and he even came up with the term, “Schmug”.
And finally, readers, you should all take a bow. You’ve given us the thumbs-up, told us when we’re talking rubbish, and you’ve even bought our merch. Best of all, you’ve told your friends about Schmopera. So, thank you for reading our stuff, and here’s to more birthdays!
Happy birthday, dear Schmop’raaaahhhhhh… (cadenza optional)… happy birthday tooo youuu!