Schmopera on the Avalon
EditorialLater this month, I’m packing my bags and heading to St. John’s, Newfoundland, to work on a couple of shows at Opera on the Avalon. On the menu are Britten’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, directed by Tom Diamond and conducted by Vlad Iftinca, and the ubiquitous La bohème, directed by Michael Cavanagh and conducted by Judith Yan. Two of my personal favourites. Midsummer wins the award for best use of the countertenor, and La bohème wins for consistent ability to make people weep.
On top of the usual Schmopera content, we’ll get to show you what’s up at OOTA, tour St. John’s, and maybe even introduce you to some of its sure-to-be-interesting people. Photo-op ideas currently include “Baritone Gets Screeched-In” and and “Singers Hiking Signal Hill.” Requests will be considered.
Do you know someone heading to St. John’s? Talk them up in the comments below!