Simon Cowell, stop it: An Update
EditorialYesterday I posted a link to a ridiculous track from 10-year-old Amira Willighagen’s new album, produced by Simon Cowell’s label, Syco Entertainment. The track was a duet version of Puccini’s “Nessun dorma,” which featured the dubbed and transposed voice of Luciano Pavarotti, taken without permission from one of his studio recordings of the aria.
I had posted a link to the duet, available on Soundcloud.com until earlier today. Mysteriously, the link has been removed. Although I’m sure Simon Cowell is enjoying his little game of Ask-Forgiveness-Not-Permission, I sincerely hope this is because the Pavarotti estate has started to sue the bejeezus out of Syco Entertainment.
Unfortunately, this may hurt little Amira Willighagen’s sales as her album comes out on March 31st. It’s a shame. Officially, once again: shame, shame on you, Simon Cowell. You stole and exploited from an industry out of which you can afford to buy, and that makes you a cognizant liar. It is disgustingly, capitalistically motivated, and I’m infuriated that you have invaded our special genre of music-making.
Thoughts, music-loving readers?