Study: classical music fans use more words, fewer swears
EditorialA cool find today: some stats about what kind of vocabulary is used by different music lovers. Reddit Timemachine put out a survey of music fans from various subreddits about Classical music, jazz, punk, reggae, etc. The results were based on searching for specific words in each subreddit, showing the different frequencies that word is used in different fan circles. Predictably, Classical music had the least profanity, because we’re a classy bunch; it also came in second for the most amount of talk about music theory (just behind jazz). We’re apparently descriptive; when it came to words like “awesome”, “beautiful”, and “wonderful”, Classical music had the most evenly distributed vocabulary. That sounds mundane, but I actually think it’s sort of significant.
The final graph shows how much music fans of one genre mention other genres. Classical music, along with metal, is one of the most interactive groups. Electronic music, metal, and trance all talk about Classical music, and Classical music talks a lot about metal and hip-hop (seems random to me). Interestingly, jazz and punk didn’t have much to say about anything other than jazz and punk.
Anyway, I think it’s neat and revealing. Check out the full post here.