Wanted: your opera schwag wish-list
EditorialReaders, we want your help!
As fab as it is, we think our Schmopera Store is due for a revamp. We want to bring you more options for your opera gear, and we want to know what you’re craving.
You probably already love our t-shirts, hoodies, mugs, and doggie gear - but what else do your operaphilic hearts desire? Tote bags? Baseball caps? Phone cases? Posters?
Maybe you want more colours to choose from, or you’ve got a great idea for a new design. Do you want to see your favourite opera reference, immortalized in material goods?
So readers, let us know what opera schwag would make you sing the highest of trills, and we’ll try our best to make it happen. Use the comments section below, send us an email, or shout out to us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.