We made a podcast!

We made a podcast!

Jenna Simeonov

Big news, readers!

We’ve got ourselves a podcast. It’s called The Everything Will Be Okay Podcast, and it’s an extension of our ongoing Talking with Singers interview series. As the title suggests, this podcast is about finding bits of hope even when all your gigs are cancelled because there’s a global pandemic. Schmopera editor Jenna Simeonov checks in with artists as they deal in their own ways with the loss of income, loss of motivation, and even the loss of identity.

There are cool guests so far. Formidable conductors, new music muses, superstar sopranos, optimistic tenors, even a comprimario or two. And it turns out that hope is actually quite easy to find among artists. No spoilers, but so far, the consensus is that yes, we actually will be okay.

The Everything Will Be Okay Podcast is available wherever you podcast. Listen, subscribe, and tell your friends!


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